Advertising time machine

Today I’ve stumbled upon a time machine!

Surely now you’re thinking I’ve gone mad (“Well, J., not having every minute of your day organised like it used to be for the past few years is not doing you any good, you’d better find a full-time occupation now”). The truth is, if you look closely enough, you’ll notice things around you documenting the past that remind you of how different life used to be. A-ha! Got what I mean now?:)

I’ve found one about adverts, focusing on two things that I love: language and society norms, and namely – how they’ve changed during the last few decades. What seemed completely normal back then, now sounds odd, ridiculous, disgusting, or even shocking.

So, here we go ladies and gentlemen (and everyone else) – give time travel a go yourself and have a look at…

22 Vintage Adverts That Would Be Banned Today

Enjoy đŸ™‚